Advanced Travel Analytics

Amex GBT Lawyers Travel (Lawyers Travel™) provides real time analytics via our advanced business intelligence tools which include both interactive LAWTECH Analytics dashboard capabilities and standard LAWTECH OnDemand travel management reports. Customizable and convenient, Lawyers Travel’s global consolidated reporting benchmarks travel patterns, tracks policy compliance, analyzes spend and uncovers cost savings opportunities.

  • LAWTECH Analytics business intelligence dashboards include enhanced pre-trip visibility into spend and allow travel managers to harness the power of travel data with functional insights to increase compliance and bottom line savings.

  • LAWTECH OnDemand Report Library allows for flexible, detail-level or summary reporting to highlight key trends at a glance. Access data and details at any level, from broad program content down to the transaction level, by client/matter number, department, traveler type, location, etc.

  • LAWTECH OnDemand Invoice Data Archive is a convenient, searchable database of all traveler itineraries and invoices. Filter search results by invoice dates, travel dates and other invoice categories (e.g., by Traveler Name, Client/Matter Number, etc.) or drill down to the individual invoice level.

  • Pre-trip Reporting provides real-time actionable intelligence. Flag non-compliant bookings for follow-up and mitigate traveler safety risks before travel takes place.

Global law firm clients also have full access to all consolidated travel management reports and business intelligence tools, with centralized overview and drill-down capabilities.